Sunday, September 29, 2013

Yoga, The inspiration of Mind and Body

YOGA shows tell us that Yoga, as we all know, is aimed to unite the mind, the body, and the spirit. Yogis view that the mind and the body are one, and that if it is given the right yoga kit and tools and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. Yoga therefore is considered therapeutic. It helps you become more aware of your body's posture, alignment and patterns of movement. It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a stress stricken environment.

Psychological Benefits of Yoga:

  • Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium

  • Pulse rate decreases

  • Respiratory rate decreases

  • Blood Pressure decreases (of special significance for hyporeactors)

  • Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) increases

  • EEG - alpha waves increase (theta, delta, and beta waves also increase during various stages of meditation)

  • EMG activity decreases

  • Cardiovascular efficiency increases

Psychological Benefits of Yoga:

  • Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase

  • Mood improves and subjective well-being increases

  • Self-acceptance and self-actualization increase

  • Social adjustment increases

  • Anxiety and Depression decrease

  • Hostility decreases

  • Concentration improves

 Famous Australian Model Miranda Kerr's yoga instructor demonstrates five essential poses.

Shoulder stand (sarvangasana)

Why it’s good: Relaxes the whole body by resting the heart, calming the nervous system and promoting sleep.
How to do it:
  • Lie on your back, hands by your sides, palms down, and lift your legs straight up. Youcan also lie with your butt and legs against the wall.
  • For an advanced version, swing your legs over your head, knees bent. Roll your shoulders under your body and place your hands on your back. Inhale and lift your legs halfway up.
  • Keep the pressure off your neck by taking the weight into your shoulders and arms. Keep your legs and feet engaged and your chin tucked in.
  • Stay here or lift your legs straight up and walk your hands to your outer ribs. Press your hands into your back.
  • Keep your chest open and breathe deeply for 5-10 breaths.
  • To release, gently bend your knees towards the floor behind you and roll down to the ground.
Miranda says:
"This is my absolute favourite pose because it gives me great energy. It’s an instant pick-me-up, like having a cup of coffee."

Wheel pose (urdhva dhanurasana)

Why it’s good: Opens the chest and lungs, tones and strengthens the arms and legs.
How to do it:
  • Lie on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart and palms down.
  • As you exhale, roll up slowly from your buttocks and lower and middle spine.
  • Roll your shoulders under your body and keep your chin tucked into your throat. If you can, interlace your hands. Press firmly into your big toes to ensure you’re working your inner and outer leg muscles.
  • For an advanced version, inhale and press your hands onto the floor under your shoulders. Exhale and raise your body slowly to form an arch. Keep your arms straight and legs active. Hold for 5-10 breaths
Miranda says:
"This is great for stress release – it’s really good for getting rid of emotional tension. It’s also a great stretch."

Half twist pose (ardha matsyendrasana)

Why it’s good: Increases spinal flexibility, opens the chest and shoulders, strengthens and massages the abdominal organs and stimulates digestion.
How to do it:
  • Sit with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your right leg and place the foot on the outside of the left thigh.
  • Inhale and raise your left arm. Exhale and place your left elbow outside your right knee. Turn your head to the right and look beyond your shoulder. Keep your right hand on the floor behind you.
  • Lengthen your torso on your inhale and turn further on your exhale. Hold and breathe deeply for 5-10 breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Miranda says:
"This is great for cleansing the kidneys. You feel great afterwards because you’re squeezing out the toxins."

Sources Included:,14283

Coconut Water-the fastest way to burn the ugly fat!

What Is Coconut Water?

Naturally refreshing, coconut water has a sweet, nutty taste. It contains easily digested carbohydrate in the form of sugar and electrolytes. Not to be confused with high-fat coconut milk or oil, coconut water is a clear liquid in the fruit’s center that is tapped from young, green coconuts.
It has fewer calories, less sodium, and more potassium than a sports drink. Ounce per ounce, most unflavored coconut water contains 5.45 calories, 1.3 grams sugar, 61 milligrams (mg) of potassium, and 5.45 mg of sodium compared to Gatorade, which has 6.25 calories, 1.75 grams of sugar, 3.75 mg of potassium, and 13.75 mg of sodium.

Better Than Some Sugary Drinks

Coconut water has less sugar than many sports drinks and much less sugar than sodas and some fruit juices. Plain coconut water could be a better choice for adults and kids looking for a beverage that is less sweet. But don’t overdo it, says Lillian Cheung, DSc, RD, of Harvard School of Public Health. “One 11-ounce container has 60 calories and if you drink several in one day, the calories can add up quickly," Cheung says.
Cheung, co-author of Savor Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, suggests being mindful about beverage choices and reading labels to choose plain coconut water and avoid those with added sugar or juices, which are no different from other sugary beverages.

Health benefits of coconut water

  • Coconut water is a very refreshing drink to beat tropical summer thirst. The juice is packed with simple sugar, electrolytes, and minerals to replenish hydration levels within the body.
  • Research studies suggest that cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water showed significant anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic effects.
  • Coconut water has been generally offered to patients with diarrhea in many tropic regions to replace the fluid loss from the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the need for intravenous therapy. The osmolarity of tender coconut water is slightly greater than that of WHO recommended ORS (Oral Rehydration Therapy) osmolarity. Presence of other biological constituents like amino acids, enzymes, minerals, and fatty acids may account for this higher osmolarity. However, unlike WHO-ORS, its water is very low in sodium and chlorides, but rich in sugars and amino acids. This well-balanced fluid composition with much-needed calories would be an ideal drink than any other brand of soft drink beverages in dehydration conditions.
  • Coconut water is composed of many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA-polymerases etc. In effect, these enzymes help in the digestion and metabolism.

    It is great to have one in the summer!

The weight loss benefits of salmon

On week 3, you might feel a refresh body with having green tea. Now, for For anyone looking to lose weight, finding nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods are the best bet. Salmon is bursting with vitamins, nutrients and essential fatty acids. The protein and fat content of salmon make it a satisfying dish, essential to weight loss. Salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s are the champs when it comes to keeping bodies fueled and healthy; they work with body in a myriad of weighs to control weight and cravings. Omega-3s are also shown to impact mood and behavior in a positive way. And when it comes to health benefits, the list of why you should eat salmon is long. 

Here is a great salmon recipe:

  • Salmon en papillote (salmon in paper parcels)


    2 (about 170g each) desiree potatoes, peeled, cut into thin batons
  • 2 large (about 120g each) carrots, peeled, cut into thin batons
  • 6 green shallots, ends trimmed, cut lengthways into thin strips
  • Salt & freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 (about 150g each) salmon fillets, skin removed
  • 1/3 cup loosely packed fresh dill leaves
  • 40g reduced-fat dairy spread (Devondale brand)
  • 2 lemons, cut into wedges, to serve

  • Nutrition:

  • Energy
    Fat saturated
    Fat Total
    Carbohydrate sugars
    Carbohydrate Total
    Dietary Fibre
    All nutrition values are per serve.

    Sources Used Included:

Friday, September 27, 2013

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!!

Fun Fact Time
Question: How many different types of apples exist around the world? (Hint its more than 100 and less than 10 000)
Answer: 7,500

Why integrate apples into your diet?
Cheap: Individually or in bulk apples are one of the best priced fruits available.
Versatility: Eat it raw, combine in a fruit salad, a veggie juice, or even baking. Incorporating apples into your daily diet is easy, and delicious. You can never get bored with the different ways to prepare and consume apples.
Vitamin C: An average apples gives  13% of your daily Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known to build a stronger immunity and be a powerful antioxidant for the skin
Great source of fibreapproximately 4% fibre per medium apple this adds in making you feel fuller for longer
TIP eat with the skin on to further increase the fiber consumed

To save you the trouble we found some recipes for you to try out, they taste so good and are easy to prepare. Give it a go and comment below on how you found it, also leave some of your apple recipes below. Enjoy!! Lastly don't forget to follow us on twitter @jjssblogger

Waldorf Salad Recipe
2 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 small apples, cubed
1 cup seedless red grapes, halved
1/3 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
1/4 cup thinly sliced celery (about 1 stalk)
8 Boston or Bibb lettuce leaves
1. Combine mayonnaise and lemon juice in a medium bowl. Add apples, grapes, and cranberries; mix well.
2. Add the walnuts and celery, and mix well. Serve it on a bed of 2 lettuce leaves. The salad can be refrigerated up to 2 hours before serving.

Green Drink Recipe
2 green apples
1 stalk celery chopped
1 cup fresh spinach
1/2 cucumber, sliced
1 cup ice
1. Blend all ingredients in a high powered blender or juicer until smooth. 

Sources Used Include,,10000001540260,00.html

Thursday, September 26, 2013

GREEN TEA → A true super drink

Green tea… does it taste good? Why not start your day with green tea… with the immensely powerful health benefits of drinking green tea… the benefits can surely outweigh the taste.

Why it’s good for you? Is it worth a try?

v Helps reduce cancer: the antioxidant found in green tea helps your body at protecting cells from damage linked to cancer.

v Green tea and heart diseaseby lowering the level of cholesterol green tea helps prevent heart disease and stroke. Incase a heart attack occurs it can prevent cell deaths and speed up the recovery of heart cells.

v Anti-aging: The antioxidants found in green tea also fight against free radicals, which can damage skin cells thus slowing the ageing process.

Available at:

v Weight-loss and better digestive system: Green tea burns fat (up to 70 calories per day i.e. 4kg in 1 year) and naturally boosts your metabolism rates.

v Oral health: cavity protection preventing tooth decay, gum health and better breath. The compounds and antioxidants found in green tea can help control bacteria growth and acidity of saliva as well as plaque.

  •    Japanese research published in 2010 reported that men and women who drink one or more cups of green tea a day were more likely to hold on to their natural teeth.
  •           Green tea can outperform mints and chewing gums for better oral health.

Add citrus fruits to green tea!! Results in better absorption of the vital anti-oxidants available in green tea. Promotes the prevention of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other diseases and acne.

To a large teapot, add 6 green tea bags, ½ cup of fresh mint leaves, 3 slices of oranges, lemons and limes each and cover with boiling water (6 cups). Strain into a large pitcher, and add 1.4 cup of sugar and stir until dissolved. Can be served with ice cubes. ENJOY.

Available at:

Available at-

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

WALNUTS → A true super food

Do you incorporate walnuts into your own diet? You can definitely find them in desserts, ice cream and cakes… but by eating shelled walnuts… are you aware of the health benefits it can offer?

What’s so beneficial about walnuts?

v Cardiovascular benefits à benefits for the heart and circulatory system. Walnuts can improve cholesterol, inflammation and blood pressure.1
Why? Because walnuts contain healthy blooding maintain minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. They can improve blood flow in adults with type-2 diabetes.

v Anti-cancer benefits à The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients found in walnuts lower the risk of chronic oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, which are the greatest threat for cancer development.
Research has found that prostate cancer and breast cancer can be reduced by a fair amount of walnut consumption (3 ounces per day).

 Available at:

v A tasty tool for weight management à Walnuts consist of good fat, fibre and protein which aids in hunger management and thus leading to successful weight management.2 Recommended serving: 1 handful.

v Source of Omega-3 fatty acidsà Are you vegetarian? Don’t like fish or salmon in particular? Well, walnuts are a great source of those hard to find essential Omega-3 fatty acids; meaning that your body cannot make them and unless you get them through your diet. They are beneficial to your body in various ways ranging from lowering risk of heart disease and cancer to maintaining brain performance and memory.3

DELICIOUS SECTION: Try the walnut-date smoothie

Combine 1 cup of walnut milk, 1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt, ¾ cups of pitted and roughly chopped dates, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon into a blender on high, until the mixture is very smooth (1minute). Add ice then blend briefly, pour into chilled glasses and ENJOY!!
                                Available at:

1 Available at:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Your Health Journey Begins Here!!!!

Have you ever felt discouraged to start living a healthier life.... We have the solution for you! We are here to inspire you. Activities to add gradually to your daily life to progress towards a total lifestyle change.

Hi everyone, welcome to our blog!!!!!

We included a table to outline the various topics relating to a better and healthier lifestyle. We've incorporated subjects such as food, drinks and activities to give you a holistic overview of things you could approach daily to help you reach your goals and increase your good health habits. Follow along as we begin this healthy journey over the course of 5 weeks. 

Week 1
Coconut Water
Week 2
Lemon Water
Week 3
Fruit Juice
Week 4
Citrus Mix
Week 5
Green Tea

Below is a sample dream board of how we expect to present our blog, take a look and comment to let us know how you like our setup. 

Don't forget to comment, enjoy and share this website!!! And go follow us on twitter to get notified every time we post @jjssblogger

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